Texas Agriculture Facts

  I love being Texan! Sure, the state can be a massive fuck-up and a lot of the people are assholes, but I love it here. I’m grateful that I was born here, and I know it shaped a lot of who I am as a person. Here, from a native Texan, have some pertinent […]

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A Large Baby Bird

It was quite a large bird, about the size of a human toddler, and stark naked with closed-over eyes. A hatchling, then. She looked for a nest, since the nest that held this sort of massive chick would have to be huge and easily noticeable. There wasn’t one, though, and there hadn’t been a few […]

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When Suddenly, Nothing.

The dog has been digging. He tracked in the evidence last night, mud and grass caked under his claws. It was too dark to see anything, though, even with the back lights turned on, so I waited. No excuse now. The sun is high, the light is bright, and if this fathead gets out and […]

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Never Ending Roadtrip

Two girls, a damn big truck, and an endless nightmare as they race to escape the inevitable.

Lots of the imagery in this one is based on things I’ve seen, or thought I saw, while sitting in the back of my Dad’s pick-up. I wrote it for bogleech’s creepypasta cook-off but I missed the deadline due to family stuff, so here it is, published fresh for you!

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