‘Dark Skies Over Brightwater’ Announcement!

cover final but this time i mean it cropped preview
A crop of the cover for ‘Dark Skies Over Brightwater,’ as proof of my progress.

Big news, all! I’ve finished the cover for my novel! I’ve finished the description! I’ve determined the Kindle Store metadata! I’ve worked out my keywords! All I have left is to purchase my ISBN and do my final compilation (which is mostly just me making sure for one last time the formatting is exactly as I wish)! ‘Dark Skies Over Brightwater’ is nearly ready for publication!

The day of, I’ll be making an announcement here and on other social media sites regarding special offers so that all of you, who’ve been with me through this never-ending struggle against my various neuroses, can know how grateful I am and have been for the support. Even if just in views, I truly do appreciate you guys. I mean it.

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